The Wa In Yakad Verse is Known as the Verse of Evil Eye, It is the 51st & 52nd Verses of Chapter 68 in the Holy Quran.
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List of All Articles with Tag 'streamer'

Apex Legends Streamer iitzTimmy Catches Players Getting Boosted
Apex Legends Streamer iitzTimmy Catches Players Getting Boosted
Apex Legends streamer iitzTimmy recently caught people boosting in pubs
2022-08-31 01:00
CoD Streamer Gets Snipe Kills Using Just a Recorder
CoD Streamer Gets Snipe Kills Using Just a Recorder
A clip has surfaced from TikTok showing a Call of Duty streamer using a recorder instead of a controller, and being quite good with it.
2022-08-15 21:00
IceManIsaac Exposes 'Glitched' Warzone Sniper That One-Shots Chests
IceManIsaac Exposes 'Glitched' Warzone Sniper That One-Shots Chests
IceManIsaac showcased how the Vanguard Type 99 is perhaps the weapon that all players should be giving a try in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 Reloaded as soon as possible.
2022-08-14 04:00
WhosImmortal Reveals Warzone LMG That's 'Outgunning Everything'
WhosImmortal Reveals Warzone LMG That's 'Outgunning Everything'
WhosImmortal showcased how the UGM-8 is perhaps the weapon that all players should be giving a try in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 Reloaded.
2022-08-11 18:00
Dead by Daylight 6.2.0 PTB Streamer Additions Listed
Dead by Daylight 6.2.0 PTB Streamer Additions Listed
Developers of Dead by Daylight have added new streamer options to the latest iteration (6.2.0) of their Public Test Build server. Dead by Daylight is described
2022-08-11 03:00
FaZe Swagg Shows Off Go-To Warzone Assault Rifle After Aug. 3 Patch
FaZe Swagg Shows Off Go-To Warzone Assault Rifle After Aug. 3 Patch
Swagg showcased just how players can use his all-time favorite gun right now in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 Reloaded.
2022-08-07 06:00
IiTzTimmy Wipes Entire Apex Legends Squad Without a Gun
IiTzTimmy Wipes Entire Apex Legends Squad Without a Gun
Timmy "iiTzTimmy" An recently showcased that sometimes, you don't necessarily even need to shoot in order to win fights in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors.
2022-07-29 12:00
Warzone Streamer Goes Viral by Getting a Child Their First Win
Warzone Streamer Goes Viral by Getting a Child Their First Win
Ryan Stoker, a Warzone streamer and content creator recently went viral on Tiktok. The twitch streamer posted a clip from his recent stream, where he was playin
2022-07-27 11:00
NICKMERCS Beats by Dre Studio Buds Collab Revealed
NICKMERCS Beats by Dre Studio Buds Collab Revealed
Here's a breakdown of the NICKMERCS Beats Studio Buds collaboration.
2022-07-21 06:00
Twitch to Reduce Minimum Payout Threshold for Streamers
Twitch to Reduce Minimum Payout Threshold for Streamers
Twitch will reduce the minimum payout for streamers to $50 down from $100.
2022-07-14 04:00
LilyPichu Leaves Twitch for YouTube Gaming
LilyPichu Leaves Twitch for YouTube Gaming
LilyPichu has signed an exclusivity deal with YouTube, leaving Twitch after 10 years with the platform.
2022-07-10 05:00
Apex Streamer Dominates Using Only Voice Commands
Apex Streamer Dominates Using Only Voice Commands
Twitch streamer Rudeism brought his wacky controller talents to Apex Legends.
2022-07-10 00:00