Warzone Bug Comically Makes Snoop Dogg Skin's Head Invisible
A player recently ran into a bug that makes it impossible to see the Snoop Dogg Operator Skin's head when using a certain weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone.
2022-05-19 03:00

Newcastle Ult Trick Lets Apex Legends Players Fly to Teammates' Death Boxes
In Apex Legends: Saviors, as to be expected, the new season has been dominated by a plethora of clips pertaining to the battle royale's newest Legend, Newcastle
2022-05-18 06:00

Horizon Completely Cancels Newcastle's Ultimate Ability in Apex Legends
It appears Newcastle's ultimate can easily be stopped altogether by Horizon in Apex Legends: Saviors.
2022-05-16 00:00

Apex Legends Newcastle Exploit Makes His Revives Silent
A new Apex Legends exploit lets players using Newcastle silently revive players.
2022-05-13 05:00

New Wraith Exploit Has Apex Legends Players Thinking with Portals
Apex Legends players have uncovered a new exploit that would allow them to place Wraithâs portals and instantly teleport throughout Storm Point.
2022-05-09 04:00

Apex Legends Crypto Trick Lets Player Regain Shield With the Drone
At the start of Apex Legends: Defiance, Crypto notably received some major reworks to his Surveillance Drone, giving it some much-needed extra utility to perhap
2022-04-26 19:58