Ada Wong Perks Revealed in Dead by Daylight 6.2.0 PTB
Here are the Ada Wong Perks that were revealed in Dead by Daylight 6.2.0 PTB
2022-08-10 07:00

Albert Wesker, The Mastermind: Powers, Perks, Add-Ons in Dead by Daylight
Albert Wesker, The Mastermind the newest killer for Dead by Daylight hit the PTB on Tuesday.
2022-08-10 06:00

Dead by Daylight Prime Gaming Jeff Johansen’s Cold Weather Cocoon Outfit: How to Claim
Here's a breakdown of how to claim Jeff Johansen's Cold Weather Cocoon outfit for Dead by Daylight via Prime Gaming.
2022-08-07 09:00

Dead by Daylight New Survivors Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers: What We Know So Far
Once again, Resident Evil and Dead by Daylight are back together.
2022-08-04 11:00

Dead by Daylight New Killer Revealed: Albert Wesker, The Mastermind
Dead by Daylight and Resident Evil are back partnering together for the second time.
2022-08-04 06:00

Dead by Daylight Mettle of Man Changes Explained
A new update has rolled out that announced some new changes. One of which is a rework change to the Mettle of Man perk for Ash Williams.
2022-08-03 08:00

Is Dead by Daylight Split Screen?
Currently, Dead by Daylight has no split screen and players doubt there will ever be any support for it. The game is meant to be experienced both as a team and as a solo survivor.
2022-07-29 01:00

Dead by Daylight Blue Glyph Explained
Dead by Daylight has its own version of a battle pass, challenging players with certain tasks during matches, and having certain glyphs scattered around the map.
2022-07-29 01:00

Does Dead by Daylight Have Voice Chat?
Players looking to get into Dead by Daylight might be wondering whether the hit survival multiplayer game has voice chat.
2022-07-28 06:00

Dead by Daylight Disables the Clown Due to Unattended Movement Speed Increase
Dead by Daylight players are happy for the kill switch on The Clown. Dead by Daylight announced on July 25 2022 that they would be kill-switching The Clown temporarily due to the issues that were reported by players.
2022-07-26 08:00

Dead by Daylight 6.1.0 Update: Patch Notes Detailed
Here's a breakdown of the Mid-Chapter 6.1.0 patch notes for Dead by Daylight.
2022-07-20 17:00

Dead by Daylight Attack on Titan Collection: All Skins, Charms
Here's a breakdown of all of the skins and charms that players can pick up in the Dead by Daylight Attack on Titan Collection.
2022-07-20 17:00