Warzone Players Report Semtex Grenade is Bugged After Season 1 Reloaded Update
It appears Semtex Grenades are perhaps the weakest they've ever been in the series after the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded update.
2022-12-21 05:00

Celesteela Pokémon GO Raid Guide: Counters, Weakness, Dates
Here is a guide to maximize your chances in the limited-time and region-exclusive five-star raid against Celesteela in Pokémon GO .
2022-09-16 04:00

Bug-Type Pokemon Weakness and Resistances
This article gives readers a rundown on Bug-Type Pokemon, their strengths, weaknesses, resistances, and more.
2022-06-23 03:00

Psychic-Type Pokémon Weakness and Resistances
We’ve compiled a guide to everything trainers need to know about Psychic-type Pokemon.
2022-06-20 00:00

Fire-Type Pokémon Weakness and Resistances
Fire-types are one of the quintessential Pokemon types that have been included in every single Pokemon game to date.
2022-06-10 03:00

Pokemon GO Nihilego Counters and Weaknesses: Raid Guide
Nihilego, the Parasite Pokemon, is coming to Pokemon GO in time for Pokemon GO Fest 2022. What Pokemon should players bring to be able to take down this Ultra Beast?
2022-06-08 03:00

Grotle Weakness in Pokemon GO: How to Beat Grotle
Pokemon GO trainers want to know how they can beat Grotle.
2022-04-26 20:01

Dragonite Weakness Pokemon GO: How to Beat Dragonite
We've compiled a guide on Dragonite's weakness in Pokemon GO.
2022-04-26 19:57