Top 5 Settings to Make Your Aim Better in Apex Legends
Here's a breakdown of the top five settings to make your aim better in Apex Legends.
2022-10-28 17:00

Apex Legends Players Pinpoint Seemingly Needed Seer Nerf
It appears several Apex Legends players want Seer to receive some nerfs heading into Season 15.
2022-10-16 05:00

Apex Legends Legend Tier List October 2022
DBLTAP's legend tier list for Apex Legends: Hunted, updated for October 2022.
2022-10-07 18:00

Apex Legends Weapon Tier List October 2022
DBLTAP's weapon tier list for Apex Legends: Hunted, updated for October 2022.
2022-10-07 05:00

NICKMERCS Explains What Needs to Change in Apex Legends Ranked
Content creator NICKMERCS recently sounded off on what he thinks needs to be done to "save" Ranked Battle Royale in Apex Legends Season 14.
2022-09-04 06:00

NICKMERCS Reveals How to Make the Prowler 'Broken' in Apex Legends
NICKMERCS showcased just how the Prowler Burst PDW continues to have one of the best slaying power in Apex Legends Season 14.
2022-09-02 10:00

Apex Legends Pros Sound Off on Season 14 Ring Adjustments
It appears some of the most prominent Apex Legends pros are speaking out against the Season 14 Ring changes.
2022-08-28 07:00

R-301 ADS Bug Seemingly Found in Apex Legends Season 14
It appears a bug is causing the R-301 Carbine to lose reliable accuracy unannounced in Apex Legends: Hunted.
2022-08-26 04:00

Loba 'War Fan' Heirloom Seemingly Teased for Apex Legends Season 14
It appears Loba could be next in line to receive a Heirloom in Apex Legends: Hunted.
2022-08-21 00:00

Titanfall 2 Easter Egg Spotted in Apex Legends Season 14 Lobby
It appears Respawn has laid a fresh Titanfall 2 Easter Egg for players to discover in Apex Legends: Hunted.
2022-08-17 07:00

Apex Legends 'All-Time Best' Rat Spot Found on King's Canyon
The ever-expanding Reddit library of in-game tips and tricks has added another great hiding spot in Apex Legends, this time with a broken hiding spot on Kings C
2022-08-17 05:00

Apex Legends Tops 510,000 in All-Time Steam Concurrent Player Count Peak
During the launch of Apex Legends: Hunted, Respawn Entertainment's hit battle royale broke its Steam player count record once again.
2022-08-14 00:00