Valorant Patch 5.12 Chamber Nerfs Revealed
Here are all of the changes that will be made to Chamber in Valorant Patch 5.12.
2022-12-02 06:00

Valorant Chamber 5.03 Nerfs: Were They Enough?
The Valorant 5.03 Patch was released on Aug. 9, 2022 and Chamber received a big nerf — but was it enough?
2022-08-12 18:00

Valorant Patch 5.03: Chamber Receives Notable Nerfs
Valorant Patch 5.03 notes were released Aug. 9 including multiple nerfs to one of the game's most popular and strongest Agents: Chamber.
2022-08-09 23:00

Dead by Daylight New Survivors Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers: What We Know So Far
Once again, Resident Evil and Dead by Daylight are back together.
2022-08-04 11:00

How to Complete Enter the Main Chamber at Shuffled Shrines in Fortnite
Unfortunately for Fortnite players looking to complete their weekly quests, entering the main chamber at Shuffled Shrines is much more than a matter of knocking on the door.
2022-07-14 03:00

Valorant Patch Notes 4.09: Chamber Nerfed, Party Lead Transfer Feature Added
Here's a breakdown of the 4.09 patch notes for Valorant Episode 4 Act 3.
2022-05-11 05:00