Warzone Maps Ranked Best to Worst
Here are all five of the Warzone maps ranked from best to worst, according to DBLTAP.
2022-12-29 19:00

Rarest Skins in Warzone 2: How to Get
Here's a breakdown of the rarest operator skins ever released in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 to date.
2022-12-22 09:00

Warzone 2 Player Count: How to Check
Here's a breakdown of how to check the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 player count.
2022-12-21 18:00

Worst Maps in Call of Duty History
Here's a breakdown of the worst maps in Call of Duty history.
2022-11-08 11:00

Super People Player Count: What is it?
Here's a breakdown of the Super People player count as of August 2022.
2022-08-19 07:00

Apex Legends Tops 510,000 in All-Time Steam Concurrent Player Count Peak
During the launch of Apex Legends: Hunted, Respawn Entertainment's hit battle royale broke its Steam player count record once again.
2022-08-14 00:00

Lifeline Pick Rate Hits All-Time Low in Apex Legends Season 13
Lifeline's pick rate has hit an all-time low following the release of Apex Legends Season 13.
2022-05-22 04:00

Apex Legends Cracks 400,000 in All-Time Steam Concurrent Player Count Mark
Less than 48 hours removed from the launch of Apex Legends: Saviors, Respawn Entertainment's battle royale title broke its Steam player count record.
2022-05-15 05:00

DBLTAP's Best Co-Op Games of All-Time
This week, we've put together a list of some of our favorite co-op games and experiences from over the years - but it wasn't easy to narrow them down.
2022-04-30 02:00